“The thing that separates successful people from others is not intelligence, geographical location, age, or lack of opportunity — it’s usually that successful people are doing what others are unwilling to do.” (Unknown Author)
This quote was passed to me today from a dear friend of mine, and it was the final catalyst I needed to write this post. Much has happened in the last week, and all it started with a conversation I had with a young man named Mosso.
I was wandering about the community I am staying in, and stopped on a set of stairs with my guitar to finish up a song I was working on. It wasn’t long before Mosso approached me, saying he saw me from his balcony, and wanted to chat. Over the next 3 hours, we shared a great deal, and learned a lot from each other.
It didn’t take long to understand that Mosso was an extremely motivated guy, had done really interesting charity work, helped a lot of people, but most importantly, believed in this word — “POSSIBILITY.” It is his belief in this word and its daily application that is leading Mosso to fulfilling his dreams of travel and a career in art and graphic design.
I have met many people since being in China, and a common thread I have come to understand is that most people have dreams they are passionate about, however, many believe the possibility of them happening doesn’t exist. In other words, they are forever casting their dreams as dreams.
I had the opportunity to go and spend last Saturday at the Hope School, the arts and education project of Laf Canada (Joy’s business) for low income families, and it was amazing.
The picture where I am playing guitar is english class, and we were making up songs to do with the days themed words…The topic – nature.
The second photo is from math class, in which I gave these kids a problem/brain teaser I was given by my grade 10 math teacher Mrs. Shaw. This filled the whole class time, and the kids loved it, so thanks Mrs. Shaw! I shall give it to all of you as well to see if you can figure it out. A prize goes to those who do:
*________________ What number comes next? Good luck!
This whole environment was bursting with the word “possibility,” whether it was coming from the teachers believing in the students, or the students excitement in having a chance to learn english, dance, art, math, martial arts, etc. All of this project – the teachers, the students, and any future effect that its benefactors see – all of it has come from one person’s belief in possibility – Joy’s. One person’s positive belief and actions in their belief can do a lot of good.
The picture I attached at the beginning of this post is one I took of the outer southern gate to the village of Nar, high in the Himalayas. Looking at this gate with the open sky behind it made me feel I was walking into a world of endless possibilities. With that in mind, I titled the photo “Doorway of Dreams,” and wanted to share it as a visual. You know the saying, “The doorway to opportunity is always there, you just have to walk through it….” It’s true, I have photo documented proof that these doors exist! Scroll up and see for yourself if you’ve forgotten already.
So, start believing in the possibility your dreams will come true, find the door, and walk on through……..