
Teaming Up with Saint James Music Academy

I am most happy to report that, this September, I am going to be joining an exceptional cast of do-gooders at the Saint James Music Academy in Vancouver, BC, as an instructor!

A truly grass roots/heart and sweat initiative, the Academy has grown over the last few years to be one of Vancouver’s most inspiring programs for inner city youth.  I am absolutely delighted to be a part of this team!  Click on the picture below to check out their website, and their incredible story.



A New Season of Shows

IMG_2021After a wonderful summer of marriage, riding trains across Canada, sailing the Atlantic, and playing excellent shows and festivals around the country, I am excited to be back west, ready for the next chapters.

Playing some new venues and locations this fall, and going to be taking my first trip up to Northern BC in October.  Here is a list of what is to come for September:

Sept. 4th, 2015 – Deep Cove Brewery, North Van, 5:30-7:30pm, Slide guitar special!

Sept. 5th, 2015 – Zend Cafe, Yaletown, Vancouver, 7pm-9pm, Intimate show

Sept. 8th, 2015 – Vancouver Art Gallery Cafe, 4-8pm, Chillax on the most beautiful patio in Vancouver

Sept. 11th/12th, 2015 – Jack’s Pub, Tofino, BC, w/Matt Langill, 9pm, Big jams in little surf town!

Sept. 15th, 2015 – Hosting Corduroy Lounge, Kitsilano, 7pm, Open Jam, Grab your Gee-tar, and play me a tune!

Sept. 18th, 2015 – Fernando’s, Full Band, Kelowna, 9pm, $10, This will be all kinds of fun!

Sept. 19th, 2015 – Private Wedding, Special event

Sept. 29nd, 2-15 – Hosting Corduroy Lounge, Kitsilano, 7pm, Open Jam, Rock out near the beach!



A special day to play your heart out


dad-guitar1Today is a special day.  4 years ago, my father left this world (the young man in the photo above).  That time came with a lot of questions, and the re-evaluation of my life and what I had been doing with it.

It was when I decided I was going to dedicate my time to pursuing music – a path that ironically led me to finding out a great deal more about my father I never knew.  It has drawn me so much closer to my immediate and extended family, as well as a wealth of lovely people I have met on my musical journey.

The above photo inspired a blog I wrote called “Play Your Heart Out,” which then became a song on the album I’ve been walking around Canada.

I can’t explain how powerful the path I have been on since then has been, and I’m writing this now to express my deep thanks to my family and all my new friends for their loving support.  You make every day of my life richer, and I couldn’t ask for better people in my life.

Here’s to my late Dad, Garry Averill, the positive ripples he had on so many people’s lives, and to forever playing your heart out!

Italian Opera and shows on the West Coast


Well…I have arrived back home in Vancouver after an action packed, experience rich adventure through central Canada and the Eastern Coast.  Huge thanks to Via Rail, Marine Atlantic, and all those who hosted shows, hosted me, and shared your wonderful stories.  It’s always great to meet so many new people from all over the world, and extra special to bump into familiar faces on the other side of this massive country.

I’m kicking off performing back west playing at one of my old faves on Aug. 11th – The Vancouver Art Gallery Cafe!  I’ve been away the last few summers, and really missed playing at this beautiful spot.   I’m also back playing with my trio mates, Darren Beattie and Matt Langill at Luke’s Corner Bar on Aug. 14th, and with touring Toronto Singer/Songwriter, Shawna Caspi at Skinny Fat Jack’s on Saturday eve.

More upcoming shows for August and September can be found here.

Lastly, while I was coming back home, I had a day stop over in Toronto.  I love going down to the beach off of Queen Street East, and sitting by Lake Ontario.  Out of no where, a gentleman named Salvatore emerged, and began serenading me…..you never know who you’ll meet on the road :).

Ocean elephants escape in Halifax

IMG_1953This was my view this morning traveling the ferry from Darmouth to Halifax.  There were very few people aboard with me early on a Sunday morning, but those who were, were awesome!

A family (2 parents, 1 child, 2 grand parents) were all riding together.  During the voyage, the little girl spotted this boat firing its water canons and said “Look at the ocean elephants!!”  Haha!  Great way to start the day, and the train journey back west.

I’m sitting in the Halifax station now, waiting to do my first performance of many along the Canadian rail.  Can’t wait to come back home!


Show in Sydney, Cape Breton this Friday!


Artwork on the Waves

IMG_1936In case you’re wondering what I look like while playing on the Marine Atlantic Ferry between Newfoundland and Cape Breton…here it is.  I even levitate!  haha.

I have had a great week playing on the boat, and like other years, have met so many amazing people.  One such gentleman, the artist behind the drawing above (Felix Belisle-Laliberte), was on his may back to Montreal from a huge bicycle trip.  Here he is……


I’ve got 2 more days on the Vision (that’s the boat I’m on), and then playing a show at Governor’s in Sydney on Friday evening. Looking forward to doing these shows, and then heading back home on the train!  Until then, big thanks to Felix for sharing your drawing (safe travels to you), and all the best to everyone I have met this week.  I have a feeling I’ll be crossing paths with a lot of you down the road!


Article in the PEI Guardian

article_largeBy good serendipitous fortune, I had an opportunity to do an article with PEI publication, The Guardian.  Click on the photo above to read!  Thanks Maureen for the write up!

Kempt Shore Acoustic Festival Adventures

IMG_1924Wow…….that is all I can say after a spectacular week in the Maritimes.  This view is from an area in Nova Scotia called Kempt Shore.  Other than being on the beautiful Bay of Fundy (home of the largest tide shifts in the world), it is the setting for an incredible festival experience called the Kempt Shore Acoustic Music Festival.

I stumbled on it by accident when I started my walking tour 2 years ago, and have been hooked on its magic ever since.  It’s a single stage festival as seen below:

IMG_1928It’s intimate, it’s personal, and feels like a warm hug of music community.  At any given time, you can walk around the camp ground and join a wicked jam…of which never seem to end.  I stayed up to 4am on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday playing music with a huge array of amazing musicians, and what a gift that was.  The picture above is the guitar summit session with some of the best players the east coast has to offer, all world class performers.  I got to jam with local legends Bill Elliot, Gary Cook, and a host of other superheroes.

I love festivals like this.  The organizers and volunteers do such an unbelievable job, and make you feel like part of the family.   I’m so inspired right now, and excited to write and play more!!  With that in mind, I head out from Wolfville (after playing at an epic Paddy’s Pub Open Mic) towards Sydney to start playing on the Marine Atlantic Vision to Newfoundland for a week.  If you’re travelling the long haul, I’ll see you there!  Here’s a funny story from last year on the ferry….I HEAR THE WHALE.  Can’t wait to see what happens this year :). Haha



Deep Thoughts from the Rail

IMG_1843This was the view leaving Vancouver on Friday July 3rd.  Was a beautiful night to set rail sail eastbound with VIA Rail.  I spent a delightful 4 days playing music and sharing stories with so many lovely travellers from all over the world (Mexico, US, UK, Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada), and have come away with the following………

1. An increased knowledge of Backgammon (thanks to Raouel and Carol..MOOSE!!)…2. That Clint Eastwood was in a musical called “Paint your Wagon.”….3. Techniques on how best to stay poisonous snake-safe in Australia and Simatra……..4. That no matter how crazy young children may be behaving…they love music they can growl to…….. 5. That playing next to someone who is sleeping can actually alter their perception of the reality they are in….hahaha…..6. That Seattle has a very cool music venue called Triple Door, and a Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival in November………7. That drumming in First Nations music symbolizes the pump of the heart…….8. There is a massive Maritime Museum in Halifax that I need to check out……..9. That apparently all country singers in the world are from Oklahoma, and that Blake Shelton rescues people…….10. That pyrite rock is symbolic with always having enough, and that sweetgrass is never to be burned without previously burning sage.

I love the train!  So many opportunities to meet new friends and learn new stories

After a marvellous stop over and House Concert in Oakville last night, I am (at this very moment) on the train heading to Ottawa to play at a wicked little place called A Thing For Chocolate with the team of Red Leaf Music.  Looking forward to being back, and to spending time with my newly acquired family :).

The adventures continue…………….



Hittin’ the Rail Out East!

Tonight, I begin my summer tour festivities at the Big Rock Urban Eatery in Vancouver, BC, and tomorrow…….I’m hopping on and playing on an east bound train!  Really looking forward to coming out to Ontario and the Maritimes again :).  Check below for the where’s and when’s:


Playing all my favourite BC stops in June!


Creativity on the Road

Had to share this bit of stage engineering….My Dad and Red Green would be most proud!

While I was touring most recently through Alberta, last show I played presented a challenge – the only mic stand they had was duct taped at the centre, and could pivot, but could not be raised to my standing height level.

Simple solution….sit the whole night.  Thought about it, but this was going to be a long evening, playing from 9pm-2am, and wanted to mix it up a bit.

Enter more duct tape and beer buckets……




Story/Jam Night this Wednesday with Stephanie Ratcliff and Rob Fillo


Happy Mom’s Day!

Greetings west coast!

Just got back from a 2 week adventure throughout Alberta – New venues, new house concerts, played in a school, and many wonderful new faces!  I’ll share more stories between here and the Bard Blog soon, but just wanted to take the time to wish my Mom, as well as all the amazing Moms out there, a very Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother's Rock


BC Shows in May


Article in the Lloydminster Source

A second article was kindly written in lieu of the show tonight by the Lloydminster Source.  Click on their link below to read:


This Friday in Lloydminster with Crestwood


Really looking forward to playing in Lloydminster this Friday with these guys from Saskatchewan.  I have heard great things about them, and the The Root where we are playing together.  Check out Crestwood’s jazzy tazzy music here – http://crestwoodmusic.ca.  Should make for some awesome jams!

An article was written in the Lloydminster Meridian Booster about the upcoming night.  Click on the pic below to travel through cyber space there :).


Searchlight Stirs Up Yukon Kindergarden Connection

So….crazy awesome things are afoot with CBC Searchlight.  One day after signing up for it, my information was shared up in the Yukon, and I received a note from Dave White (CBC Yukon Broadcaster) through Facebook that my song was being played up there!  He did an interview with me on Tuesday, and that can be heard below:

Now here’s where the crazy comes in………within a few hours of this interview going live, I received 5 emails from people that were either taught by my father in Mayo, Yukon as far back as 1974, taught with him, or were a part of his weekly guitar group that he and my Mom used to run out of their place.

All of them sent me their own special memories of my Dad, which is so awesome!

Enter next level craziness…….

One of these notes came from a man in Nanaimo named James, who emailed saying my Dad taught him in Kindergarden ’74, and he had memories of listening to my Dad playing songs to their class.  We emailed back and forth a bit, and the short of it is he drove up to Port Alberni for the show at Char’s Landing last night, and he came with a few friends.  One of them, Charlie, had also gone to the same school, never had my Dad, but knew of him and his playing/singing reputation.

I find it really flipping cool that with the people who have contacted me in the last two years with regards to my Dad’s Yukon history, it seems as if we’ve know each other forever.  It’s like reconnecting with an old friend you haven’t seen in years, but with people you’ve never met!

All of these links have come through CBC broadcasting, and it continues to amaze me how deep it connects to people.  Thanks so much CBC!!  What a fantastic adventure this has been, and I’m sure, will continue to be!

*If you want to vote and share, head in this direction (http://music.cbc.ca/#!/artists/Michael-Averill).  You can vote every day for the next 10 days.  Any effort is greatly appreciated, and if you feel inspired to connect, send me an email – michael@michaelaverill.com

CBC Searchlight Entry

I have entered the nation wide CBC Searchlight event, an initiative designed to share/showcase a whole whack of new Canadian music.

It is a voting structure, so if you’re down for that, click the photo below, and it will take you to the place you can do it.  Just scroll down the page past my face, and you’ll see an icon that says “VOTE.” Click on that, and it will say “VOTED.”  Easy peasy!!

MichaelCBCSearch2015jpgThere are a lot of great musicians in this from all over the country.  If you use Facebook, go to my music page, and you’ll find an “Event,” I made for this that links to other friends that are worth checking out.  Hope you discover someone new that you like!

You can vote everyday, for up to 10 artists, so have a blast!



Abbostford to Mission Coffee House Walking Highlights

I had the honour of playing at the Mission Coffee House on Saturday March 28th, and had a wonderful adventure walking from Abbotsford to Mission.  Below is a photo collage of some fun things I saw and found, and characters I met.  I was most excited to meet my Great Aunt Mary (94 years old!!!), whom I had never met before.  She still walks on her own everyday, carries her groceries home from the store, and overall is a prime example of wild spirit and joy!  Such a treat to spend time with her.

Thanks to all in Mission for a lovely day and evening!  I look forward to coming back 🙂

Mission Collage

Music Video for Mark Knopfler Contest

Call to viewing and sharing action!! :).  Mark Knopfler, one of my long time influences and heroes, put out a challenge to make him a music video for a tune of his new album Tracker.  The song is called “Wherever I Go,” and features Winnipeg’s Ruth Moody.  It’s a possible opportunity to work with Mark and his team, so we’ll see what happens :).

I had a blast creating this with the help of Shera Kelly, Judy Averill, and Kat Smyth!  Thank you guys so much.  This is my first theatrical video, so enjoy, and share with those you think would dig it!

Mission Coffee House – March 28th!

I am very excited to be coming to Mission this Saturday to play in the Clarke Theatre as part of the Mission Coffee House Series!!  Last time I was in that room, it was for a music camp I did a few years back with the Sabir Sisters and David Francey.  Perhaps I’ll bust out a few songs that I wrote during that week….I came away with some beauties!!

Looking forward to seeing some familiar Mission faces!


Save St. James Hall!!!!



One of the most amazing music venues and community centres (St. James Square) is under threat of being torn down and developed into condos!!  

This is long time home of Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra, ROGUE FOLK CLUB, community Day Care, nursery school, gymnastics and a host of other permanent renters.  

If this goes through, it would devastate the Vancouver arts, culture, music, family, health, and wellness communities.  Please help prevent what would be a massive loss to the city by clicking on the link below and signing your name.


Share as much as possible, as there is a very short timeframe for this to work.  Thank you for your time!!