Posts tagged “Say what you need to say

Say what you need to say


Something happened recently that made me what to share a story.   I was sitting in a sushi restaurant the other day, and overheard a woman telling her friends about an old math teacher she had.  She said that when she got older, this teacher stuck out in her mind as someone who really took the time to connect, and had a profound influence on her life.  She had thought about going back to visit to her old teacher in her hometown to express her gratitude, but kept putting it off.

Many years later, she was chatting with a friend from high school, and this particular teacher came up in the conversation.  The woman said “I’d love to go say thanks to him.”  Her school mate then told her that the teacher passed away 5 or 6 years previous.

The woman was crushed, and then told the people at the table that she really wished she had said what she wanted to when she thought about it originally.  The missed opportunity left her feeling sad, but motivated her to sit down one afternoon to call or email anyone she felt she wanted to thank in some way.

5 years ago today, my Dad (Garry Averill) passed away, and “Thank you,” is something I feel lucky I got to say to him before it was too late.  In honour of my Dad, I’d like to encourage anyone who reads this to call someone that has had an impact in your life, and express your thanks.  It means a lot for them to know, and will feel great for you to say.

Don’t wait – you may not get the chance again.

Say what you need to say when you think to say it